Getting in to the final selection at the Uneton 48
This year I took part at the Uneton48 short film festival. It was successful and inspiring year as our film was selected and showed among finalists. Name of our team was "JAVA Productions". JAVA stands for the first names of Janis and Valdis.

The whole experience this year was very interesting. As the whole idea of Uneton48 is to produce a short film within 48 hours, our team wasn't really sure about which creative direction to take. Luckily we met Latvian poet Krista Anna Lazdāne (Belševica) who agreed to try to write a poem according to the topic we would recieve as a result of Uneton's draw.
Name of the poem and our short film is "Everything That Is Yellow, Is not Gold". Film was shot in Raaseborg, in Finland. Actor Eriks Krumins. Original music by Diana Sus in Iceland (Spotify profile of Diana).