Live stream

Live streams of events, discussions and distant seminars became the new reality in 2020 because of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Yet even a few of years later live streams are still happening.

Live stream offers opportunity to organization to prepare very well for the event if they choose to LIVE stream it online. LIVE streaming requires to prepare a script and good punctuality.

I have done multiple live streams from the Turku Book Fair in Finland, as well as diplomatic events organized by some embassies, also events related to culture and literature.

I work with a set of my own equipment and am using professional multi-camera switching console. It allows to include visual information during live stream like slide presentations and additional videos. I ensure good quality sound of participants using professional sets of wireless microphones.

Example: Lecture by Valts Ernstreits in Helsinki. Good budget friendly live stream using only 2 cameras, 1 set of wireless microphone, Power Point presentation was fed in to the live stream yet allowing to the lecturer, graphic name titles of the lecturer were produced and shown live.

Project report video

Projects and events frequently need a video as final audio visual testimony about the event or project. This type of video is often required as a part of project's final report e.g. in the case of EU funded projects.

These types of videos include visual testimony of some of project's activities and are accompanied by interview with a projects representative. In most cases these videos include direct reference to objectives of the project. Video includes graphics such as logos of implementing organizations and funding partners.

Example: Report video about the Latvian Days in Loimaa. Video was required as the audio-visual part of the final report to the funders. Material for the report video was shot in two days. I did script, video shot, final edit, English and Finnish captions, graphics and animations, sound design.